The Mind Body FoundationWellness Counselling Reposting Dr. Rangan Chatterjee's words on diabetes. India is the 'Diabetes Capital' Of the world. Most of the chronic illness is caused...
The Mind Body FoundationSleep and Stress Management - key contributors in reversing Type 2 Diabetes! Humans and Modern Society Series: Post – 7 World Diabetes Day! Modern lifestyle is a significant contributor to the development of Type 2...
The Mind Body FoundationRound the Clock eating in the Modern World leading to disease Until a hundred years ago, humans ate their last meal of the day a couple of hours into sunset, that is, at around 7/8 pm. With the...
The Mind Body Foundation Minimizing exposure to artificial light Artificial light has allowed us to stay awake farther into the evenings leading to changes in natural sleeping patterns. It disrupts the...