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The Mind Body Foundation Counselling Center
Movies: A Reflection of the Collective Unconscious
Art as a Portal to the Unconscious Mind - cinema remains one of the most profound mediums for exploring the collective unconscious.
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The Mind Body Foundation
Signs of Unhealed Trauma
Trauma is derived from a Greek word that literally means ‘wound’. Physical and psychological injuries are a part of life; no one can...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Unprocessed trauma
You cant see things clearly when you are spinning. This is how unprocessed trauma impacts the nervous system. Unprocessed traumatic...
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The Mind Body Foundation
How you define love is how you show up in love
As humans, we're relational beings. The experiences we go through shapes our views. Your definition of what love is can be traced in how...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Procrastination - An emotional regulation problem
We all have been in situations where we planned to carry out a task but ended up putting it off for later. For eg: You pick up your phone...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Nature heals!
What one sees, hears and experiences at any moment is not only impacting one’s mood but also the functioning of one’s nervous, endocrine...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Laughter: an irreplaceable drug!
Laughter is an irreplaceable medicine accessible to all. It is one of the simplest ways to enhance both physical and mental health. In...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Gratitude: An Upward Spiral
The current 21-day national lockdown could induce a sense of fear, panic and other survival related emotions leading to a mindset of...
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The Mind Body Foundation
The Covid-19 pandemic has increased stress and anxiety levels worldwide. The uncertainties caused due to the pandemic result in...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Humans have a natural tendency to understand, predict and control things in order to keep themselves safe. Uncertainty parallels with...
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The Mind Body Foundation
We start learning from the time we are born (some evidence shows that we begin learning even before that, in our mother’s womb). Learning...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Unintended consequences of Social Media on Mental Health
Humans and Modern Society Series : Post – 8 Unintended consequences of Social Media on Mental Health Data states that Indians, on an...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Wellness Counselling
Reposting Dr. Rangan Chatterjee's words on diabetes. India is the 'Diabetes Capital' Of the world. Most of the chronic illness is caused...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Sleep and Stress Management - key contributors in reversing Type 2 Diabetes!
Humans and Modern Society Series: Post – 7 World Diabetes Day! Modern lifestyle is a significant contributor to the development of Type 2...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Round the Clock eating in the Modern World leading to disease
Until a hundred years ago, humans ate their last meal of the day a couple of hours into sunset, that is, at around 7/8 pm. With the...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Minimizing exposure to artificial light
Artificial light has allowed us to stay awake farther into the evenings leading to changes in natural sleeping patterns. It disrupts the...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Natural Light - A Drug-free source to feeling ‘Happy’
Humans and Modern Society - Series: Post – 4 Natural light has been proven to increase the serotonin levels in our body. Serotonin is one...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Getting enough natural light in the digital era – Tips
Human body needs certain amount of natural light exposure to function efficiently. Without much conscious awareness, we are now at a...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Too much and Too little light in the Digital era
Our bodies have evolved over millions of years and carry with them the antidotes they need not only to survive but also to thrive....
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The Mind Body Foundation
Humans and Modern Society
Studies show that simple everyday behaviors, i.e. one’s lifestyle, not only plays a significant role in promoting one’s psychological...
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