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The Mind Body Foundation
We start learning from the time we are born (some evidence shows that we begin learning even before that, in our mother’s womb). Learning...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Unintended consequences of Social Media on Mental Health
Humans and Modern Society Series : Post – 8 Unintended consequences of Social Media on Mental Health Data states that Indians, on an...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Wellness Counselling
Reposting Dr. Rangan Chatterjee's words on diabetes. India is the 'Diabetes Capital' Of the world. Most of the chronic illness is caused...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Sleep and Stress Management - key contributors in reversing Type 2 Diabetes!
Humans and Modern Society Series: Post – 7 World Diabetes Day! Modern lifestyle is a significant contributor to the development of Type 2...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Round the Clock eating in the Modern World leading to disease
Until a hundred years ago, humans ate their last meal of the day a couple of hours into sunset, that is, at around 7/8 pm. With the...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Minimizing exposure to artificial light
Artificial light has allowed us to stay awake farther into the evenings leading to changes in natural sleeping patterns. It disrupts the...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Natural Light - A Drug-free source to feeling ‘Happy’
Humans and Modern Society - Series: Post – 4 Natural light has been proven to increase the serotonin levels in our body. Serotonin is one...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Getting enough natural light in the digital era – Tips
Human body needs certain amount of natural light exposure to function efficiently. Without much conscious awareness, we are now at a...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Too much and Too little light in the Digital era
Our bodies have evolved over millions of years and carry with them the antidotes they need not only to survive but also to thrive....
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The Mind Body Foundation
Humans and Modern Society
Studies show that simple everyday behaviors, i.e. one’s lifestyle, not only plays a significant role in promoting one’s psychological...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Therapy helps everyone
Therapy can feel like a bit of mystery You probably know someone who has been to therapy or you’ve at least heard of it But what it...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Therapy is for everyone
Therapy is for everyone. It is not only for people who are currently suffering from mental illness but also for people who are ‘normal’...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Engaging in Therapeutic activities is not the same as going to Therapy
“A lot of activities you do can make you feel therapeutic but it is not the same as going to therapy and working on your emotions” All...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Struggling looks different on Everybody
We all are going through one struggle or other throughout our lives. Some areas of life that people struggle with are - to achieve good...
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The Mind Body Foundation
False beliefs about emotions
"There is a right way to feel in every situation." "Emotions just happen for no reason." "Expressing emotion to others is a weakness."...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Humans are emotional beings!
Humans are emotional beings! Let's not judge ourselves for feeling the way we do... What we think about feeling positive and negative...
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The Mind Body Foundation
The Unconscious Mind - Explained!
The Unconscious Mind controls most part of our lives and daily activities. Humans are creatures of habit and the Unconscious Mind helps...
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The Mind Body Foundation
Going for Counselling – What is it all about? What happens there?
One visits a doctor if they feel physical discomfort/ illness, or a Personal Fitness trainer to achieve a fitness goal. In these two...
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